October 2022

The project “Cooperation as a key to overcoming challenges in the field posting of workers from care, construction, transport and agriculture sectors¨ , co-financed by the European Union.

Its objective is to increase the effectiveness of the application of the fundamental rights of displaced workers, while guaranteeing their free and fair movement, through the development, in cooperation with social partners and public organisations, of:

Solutions to overcome the barriers and difficulties in the monitoring and application of the provisions of Directive 96/71/CE (and its amendments) on the Posting of Workers , in the sectors of: Assistance Care, Construction, Transport and Agriculture.

The Partnership:


Poland; Instituto Europeo de Movilidad Laboral (EMI)

Serbian; Sindicato de Empleados de Salud y Atención Social

Norway; Solidaritet Norge

Romania; Federación Nationala a Sindicatelor din Administratie (FNSA)

Czech Republic; Svaz Podnikatelu Ve Stavebnictvi

Czech Republic; Odborový svaz Stavba Ceske republiky

Poland; Institución de Seguridad Social (ZUS)

Project Results:

Achieve better protection for posted workers and ensure they can move freely to do their jobs

Promote the use of the IMI Information System

Increase the availability and transparency of information on the conditions for posting workers

Establish cooperation and effective dialogue between project partners and with social and public partners.

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