EUROPEAN LABOUR MOBILITY CONGRESS – Krakow, Poland – 24 and 25.04.2023
The 7th European Labour Mobility Congress (ELMC) took place on April 24-25, 2023, in Krakow, Poland. The Congress focused on the topics of trust, European cooperation, challenges in posting workers, labour mobility of third-country nationals in the European Union, the future of live-in care services, and digitization in posting workers.
The Congress, the largest cyclical EU-wide conference dedicated to the freedom to provide services, posting of workers, and labour mobility in the European Union, brought together EU Commissioners, officials, ministers, secretaries of the Polish government, MEPs, researchers, officials, entrepreneurs, and individuals involved in cross-border labour mobility in the EU.
The event was organized with the support of the European Union through the ACCT Grant Project, which aimed to overcome challenges in the posting of workers from care, construction, transport, and agriculture sectors. Expert panel discussions were held during the first day of the Congress, focusing on problems faced by employers and posted workers in the three main areas mentioned above. Discussions also addressed potential actions that decision-making bodies could take to implement proposed solutions.
The Congress featured renowned experts from business, law, academia, and government, including moderators Frederic De Wispelaere, Dr Kamil Matuszczyk, and attorney-at-law Robert Lisicki. These experts shared their knowledge and experiences, raising awareness about the problems in posting workers that often go unnoticed by decision-makers at both national and EU levels.
The Congress also included expert panels with representatives from the European Labour Mobility Institute, such as Vice-President Dr. Marek Benio, President Stefan Schwarz, and attorney-at-law Dr. Marcin Kiełbasa. These panels discussed various topics related to posting workers and provided valuable insights into the practice of European and national institutions in the field.
Workshops conducted during the Congress covered practical aspects of posting workers, including methods of detecting irregularities and control activities in cross-border situations, posting of Ukrainian citizens to other EU countries, the Bulgarian Caregiver Case, and issues of digitization and compliance in the posting of workers.
The Congress emphasized the need for trust, cooperation, and solid knowledge in uncertain times, highlighting the importance of mutual trust and cooperation in cross-border labour mobility. Workshops focused on the most popular posting destinations, such as Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Italy, and Sweden, providing participants with practical knowledge about posting to these countries.
The success of the Congress and the positive reception from participants and speakers indicate the establishment of a community of legal posting enthusiasts seeking practical and reliable solutions. The participants are already looking forward to the next meeting during the 8th European Labour Mobility Congress.